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Our Practice

Our Practice

About Med Aesthetics, LLC

Med Aesthetics, LLC, is a boutique aesthetic spa offering a full suite of cosmetic services to men and women throughout River Forest, Illinois, and the entire Chicago metro area. Thomas F Drost, MD, ND, FACS and his team of aesthetic specialists perform all types of body sculpting, skin rejuvenation, laser treatments, and more to provide comprehensive aesthetic procedures.

By investing in the latest cosmetic technology, the team can enhance the tone and texture of the skin while preserving its health. With the Canfield Reveal® Imager system, the team can uncover damage that they can’t see with the naked eye, such as brown spots, sun damage, and redness. This system allows them to recommend the best treatments possible for each patient.

For complete skin rejuvenation, the team performs a wide range of non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments, including the VI Peel®, Candela GentleMax® laser, Sciton® laser hair removal, and more. Med Aesthetics, LLC, also offers medical-grade skincare lines, including Eminence® and Mediderma®. In addition to their comprehensive range of aesthetic services, Med Aesthetics, LLC, provides medical treatments, such as fungal nail solutions, wart removal, fat reduction with Emerald Laser, and areola reconstruction with permanent makeup.

To schedule an appointment with the team, call Med Aesthetics, LLC, or book a visit online today.

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